discipline 6
finishes after

Summer Games 2024

- Start on 10.07.2024 at 3:00 pm server time [GMT+2]
- Entry fee - FREE
- Duration - 34 days

General Terms & Conditions:

- Only accounts at level 20 or more are eligible to participate. This does not apply for version 5 accounts, for they have no levels. To register an account from version 5, it has to have more than 500 points and its registration must have been made more than one week before the tournament registrations. Imperia Online employees are barred from participation.

Rules of the tournament

- Game speed of Empires’ development - Mega Blitz (x10).
- All players will start with a basic state of the empire and 1 million of each resource available in it.
- Movement speed of personal armies - x4.
- Movement speed of alliance armies - x1.
- Alliances participating in the Games will compete in 13 different disciplines covering various aspects of the game.
- Every 1 to 4 days the discipline is going to be changed.
- The disciplines will not be known in advance and will only be announced shortly before each one begins.
- There will be no discipline during the first 3 days of the realm.
- Alliances are formed by up to 30 members.
- During the first 3 days after the beginning of the realm, the players will be able to join and leave freely the alliance. Upon the beginning of the disciplines, the alliances will be locked for changes and the options to expel, join, leave or invite will not be available.
- If there are players without an alliance after the 3rd day, they will be blocked and they won’t be able to continue.
- The limit for deployed army in an alliance holding is increased to 500 million soldiers.
- The level of barbarian threat will increase 10 times faster than usual.
- Each barbarian camp can send attacks against players placed at a distance of maximum 360 imperial miles, instead of 70.
- For every defeated barbarian camp the player will get a 25% increase in the strength of the barbarian attacks.
- Increasing strength of the Barbarian camps - each Barbarian camp defeated by а player will increase the size of the army of the next attacked Barbarian camp by a certain percentage. The increase is specific to the attacking player and will not affect the army that other players will see in the camp. The Barbarian army increase modifier in the camps returns its original value at the beginning of each day.
- The number of attacks that each player can send to barbarian camps is limited to 30 attacks per day, which also implies that the maximum expected strength of the barbarian attack that can be reached is 350%. The number of attacks to barbarian camps will not be limited in case there are disciplines like Runic Crafting and Most resources gathered from Independent cities during which the maximum expected strength of the barbarian attack that can be reached will be 500%.
- If an attacking barbarian army wins a Fortress siege, all player’s buildings level drop by 1 and their base net worth points cost is deducted from player’s points. If a building is under construction, the level in progress is suspended and its net worth points are deducted. Houses’ level cannot drop below 5 in the Capital, and below 1 in the rest of the Provinces. If level 8 of a Fortress in an indestructible colony gets destroyed by a barbarian, the colony will become destructible again.
- Barbarian armies do not have carrying capacity, they always loot everything if they win a fortress siege.
- The specialization of the army will be available.
- Improved personal and alliance fortresses will be available.
- The army upkeep will vary depending on the percent that the army represents from the total networth of the player.
- After 7 hours, units with completed training will be auto-mobilized on login or on each hour while the player is online.
- All terrain modifiers will be with increased values. In relation to this, neutral terrains will also grant bonuses and modifiers to the empire. Additionally, the terrain of alliance holdings is always neutral, and they will also be affected by the modifiers from neutral terrains.
- Players will be able to select governments for their empires.
- Players will be able to send all types of resources to their allies.
- Players will be able to send reinforcements to their allies.
- Players will be able to recover 35% of the lost units per battle with diamonds no matter the level of their Military medicine.
- Free recovery is limited to 65% of lost units per battle - 15% base and each level of Military medicine increases it by 0,5% for attackers and 1% for defenders.
- Locking attacks will work on the following principle: the networth of the attacking army must be at least 20% of the networth of the defender. The locking will occur only in the last 10 minutes before the battle instead of during the whole period in which the attack is visible.
- For the duration of the Games all participating players will gain double amount of account experience in the competition realm.
- Withdrawing diamonds out of the alliance treasury will not be possible.
- No tournaments will be available.
- No Vacation mode.
- No Global events.
- No Alliance Events.
- The Heroic Army will be available.


- At the end of each discipline the top 10 alliances will get points - for 1st place in the discipline - 75 points, for 2nd - 45 points, for 3rd - 15 points, for 4th - 7 points, for 5th - 6 points, for 6th - 5 points, for 7th - 4 points, for 8th - 3 points, for 9th - 2 points, for 10th - 1 point.
- If 2 or more alliances have the same score at the end of a discipline, the ranking will be decided by a tiebreaker rule which will be announced at the start of each discipline.
- Winner of the Summer Games will be the alliance with the most points won from disciplines.
- If less than 10 alliances manage to score any points from disciplines, alliances without points will also be qualified in the final top 10 by the following rule: which alliance has smaller result when calculating the average value of all its positions in the different disciplines, divided by the number of disciplines it participated in.
- The following tiebreakers will decide the final ranking if 2 or more alliances have an equal score:
1st tiebreaker - which alliance has more gold medals
2nd tiebreaker - which alliance has more silver medals
3rd tiebreaker - which alliance has more bronze medals
4th tiebreaker - which alliance has smaller result when calculating the average value of all its positions in the different disciplines, divided by the number of disciplines it participated in
5th tiebreaker - which alliance has more networth points


- Members of alliances that finished in the top 3 places of the final ranking will get Summer Games champion medals in their profiles.
- Members of alliances which managed to win at least one first, second or third place in a discipline, but their alliances did not qualify in the final top 3, will get a participation ribbon. Each player can get only 1 ribbon.
- Special medal - given to all players in the top 10 who have not received another medal. Adds 100 Hall of Fame points.
- Exclusive medal - given to all members of top 50 alliances, regardless of whether they possess another medal. Adds an additional 70 Hall of Fame points.
- Alliances qualified in top 10 of the final ranking will get diamonds as follows: 1st place - 6 800 000 еxpiring diamonds, 2nd place – 4 250 000 еxpiring diamonds, 3rd place – 3 400 000 еxpiring diamonds, 4th place – 2 550 000 еxpiring diamonds, 5th place - 2 040 000 еxpiring diamonds, 6th place - 1 700 000 еxpiring diamonds, 7th place - 1 190 000 еxpiring diamonds, 8th place - 1 190 000 еxpiring diamonds, 9th place - 1 190 000 еxpiring diamonds, 10th place - 1 190 000 еxpiring diamonds.
*All diamonds will be given in the form of e-pin vouchers.

*The Imperia Online Team reserves its right to change the rules of the tournament at any time without prior notification or explanation to the participants.